1. Reread the last post you published. Because you clearly haven’t read it before.
  2. Cook eggs.
  3. Wash the dishes.
  4. Put on a cardigan.
  5. Inspect zit on neck.
  6. Fine. Zits.
  7. Check Twitter.
  8. Look out the window.
  9. Lean into mirror, tweeze eyebrows.
  10. Put on a different cardigan. Because that one was totally cramping your style.
  11. Check the mail.
  12. Make an animated gif:

I took this series of photos of the contrail-strewn sky as we left our last winery on our last day of the long holiday weekend.

I’ll be honest with you, I was a little… happy.

Happy about life! It’s so fun! Everything is meaningful! LOOK AT THE SKY OMG IT’S FULL OF MEANING!! AND FEEEEELINGS!! I feel happy!!


Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go change my cardigan.

Oh, and do this project thing. That. Right.