Okay. First off, let me preface this post by saying that WordPress.com blocks embedding except from a select few whitelisted websites, of which Mixpod isn’t one. I tried all sorts of code to trick it WordPress into embedding this player; no dice. I also tried having Mixpod post my playlist to my blog on my behalf, but it just fails and/or tells me to sign up for a blog. And yes, my login information is correct.
In summary: BLARGH.
Until I figure out a different way to go about this, I’m just going to have to go with this lame link. Do not be afraid to click it. It will take you to untold musical wonders. Or something.
ANYWAY. Moving on.
This week, I’d been planning on posting a collection of moody little indie songs. But then I realized that lately it seems like most of the people I know, both online and in real life, are in a slump. From mild malaise to utter life-questioning upheaval, we all seem to be starting November off a little down in the mouth. The universe, she can be cruel sometimes, eh?
In light of this collective bummer, I figure that a set of songs to which I can mope is pretty much the last thing I need right now, so I put the sad stuff on the back burner for now and looked around for something more… mood-lifting. And I don’t know about you, but sometimes there’s just no antidote to what’s ailing me like a bass line and a clever turn of phrase. To that end, I dug up my short list of lyrical hip-hop masterworks. These tracks never fail to get me hyped and make me feel like a badass.
And I think we could all use some badassery right now, no?
I’m Vincent Price on the mic device homeslice!
Third Sight — Tonto
Lootpack — Whenimondamic
Lifesavas — Head Exercise
The Coup — Ride the Fence
DOOM — Gazzillion Ear
What gets you amped about life?
Want more music? Visit these cats to complete the Mixtape Masters playlist circle:
Ashley | Angie | Tyler | Lizzie | Dana | Jolynn | Lisa | Josie | Holley | Stephanie | Ms. Bunny | Sarah
the diagnosis : mild malaise.
the prescription : lifesavas.
in conclusion, it’s a little intimidating that you roll this hard. but i like it.
I loved this. I think I may have pneumonia (dr appt in T-1 hour) but this got me through the morning at the office.
Oh my gosh! Pneumonia?!? You poor thing. On the other hand, I’m glad I was able to assist in some (very) minor way. Get better soon!
you…are hilarious. also, if you need help with your playlist..send me an email, it’s tricky, but i can shoot you over the code to make it happen. love lifesavas! badass playlist, lady.
I really need to expand my hip-hop library. You’ve inspired me.
i need way more badassery in my life so thank you!